Fasching, Helga (15.07.2014): "Experiences of participation of young people with intellectual disabilities in the transition process from school to working life"
Presentation at the "4th IASSIDD Europe Congress". University of Vienna, July 14th - 17th 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Fasching, Helga (15.07.2014): "Intellectual disability and gender in the transition from school to vocational training and employment"
Presentation at the "4th IASSIDD Europe Congress". University of Vienna, July 14th - 17th 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Fasching, Helga (03.07.2014): "Kooperation zur Gestaltung des Übergangs von der Pflichtschule in Ausbildung und Beruf bei jungen Menschen mit Behinderungen"
Presentation at the conference "Grenzanalysen. Empirische Zugänge in der Erziehungswissenschaft". Paris Lodron University, July 3rd - 4th 2014, Salzburg, Austria.
Fasching, Helga (11.06.2014): "Der Wechsel von der Schule in den Beruf"
Workshop at the Event "Offene Uni - eine Veranstaltung zum Kennenlernen für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten und Studierende (workshops, courses, discussion)". University of Vienna, Department of Education, Research Unit Special Needs and Inclusive Education, June 10th - 13th 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Fasching, Helga et al. (10.06.2014): "Was ist Behinderung?"
Workshop at the Event "Offene Uni - eine Veranstaltung zum Kennenlernen für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten und Studierende (workshops, courses, discussion)". University of Vienna, Department of Education, Research Unit Special Needs and Inclusive Education, June 10th - 13th 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Fasching, Helga (04.06.2014): "Vocational Participation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities"
Presentation at the EU Project Meeting "DESYODIP - Developing Skills of Young Disabled People". June 2nd - 5th 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Department of Education
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